Monday, May 27, 2013

On Being Dean ~ Lesson 101

What I've been learning in my first three weeks as ladies' dean.... 
{at least the edited & condensed version adapted from a lengthy journal entry}

~ I am in a classroom. Not a literal one as the students are, but a classroom nonetheless of Life Lessons. It also includes taking tests on a daily basis. 

~ I cannot do anything on my own. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. It must be all God. 

~God delights in showcasing His strength through my weakness. 

~ It takes time to build trust and relationships. Don't rush them. 

~ Daily quiet time is essential to the task.

~ Audrey Assad's "Restless" has become my theme song and is stuck on repeat in my playlist more often than not. []

~ An atrocious amount of hair will collect on the floor of the girls' dorm in a 24 hour period. 

~ Sometimes, chocolate IS the answer. 

~ Making good food can be helpful in building friendships. Maybe there really is a scientific explanation to that heart-stomach connection. 

~ Being dean can be exhausting mentally, physically, emotionally, & spiritually. 

~ Old habits (like being a night owl) did not automatically change when I became a dean.

~ Being able to laugh at myself goes a long way in practicing a good sense of humor. [even when I ask someone what the battery life of the vacuum is, just after I had unplugged it's cord. TRUE STORY].   :)

~ Put down my computer or stop whatever I am busy doing when one of the girls asks a question or wants to talk. 

~ "People" are more important than my daily "To Do" list. 

~ The internet can quickly become a thief of my time. Browse wisely. 

~ Try to be present at all mealtimes. That's where the good discussions happen. 

~ There can never be too many fans blowing at once during hot season. 

~ Quickly learn to recognize speed bumps. Otherwise, it is painful for both me and my bike. 

~ Don't be afraid of trying new things, even if I'm worried I'll look like a fool. [like trying to play futsal, the Asian version of soccer]. 

~ Girls universally will discuss guys & relationships. Trust me, I am one. 

~ Be real with my own flaws & weaknesses, but also willing to share the good things that God has done/is doing in my life. 

~ Mercy must be balanced with Truth, and Grace is sometimes gritty. 

~ I realize how selfish I really can be. 

~ Be prepared to be asked a lot of questions. Many of them, I may not have an answer for. 

~ There is a lot of joy and fulfillment to be found in serving. Even sweeping three stories of tiled floors. 

~ A grateful spirit is contagious. Be quick to express my thankfulness to others. 

~ That weekly girls' night-out with a friend on Monday evenings is soul-refreshing. 

~ Even brief email replies are better than none at all when my inbox is screaming for attention. 

~ Riding my own motorbike is a great outlet for independence and adventure. 

~ Thailand's iced coffees have become a regular part of my diet. 

~ I wouldn't get anywhere without the prayers of others. Don't take them for granted. 

~ Laugh often. Love much. 

~ Snail mail is greatly appreciated. 

~ I will mess up, believe lies about myself, and find myself falling into people-pleaser mode. Just don't stay  there, but return to the Truth. 

~ Be able to accept God's grace for myself so that I can freely extend grace to others. 

... and that, my friends, are the lessons of only the first three weeks... I still have seven month's worth ahead of me.  :) 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

These Days...

Have you ever had one of those moments where you feel overcome by joy? Where you are vividly aware of the life, the beauty, the blessing, the gift of the moment? It happened to me the other day. 

I was just taking a walk around our mooban (neighborhood), enjoying the cool freshness of the morning air. I was thinking and praying as I walked, my thoughts slightly distracted as they tend to be. But suddenly, something made me just slow down and notice my surroundings: the heady fragrance of plumeria permeating the breeze; dozens of green mangoes hanging from bending branches, the tropical birds that chirped and whistled all around me, the soft swish, swish of the street sweeper's broom, the distant rumble of a motorbike, elderly Asian ladies doing their morning exercise routine, nodding politely as we passed. My very skin felt the cool dampness of the air, and when I took a deep breath, it was as if all my senses came alive. 
I was awestruck. 

It wasn't just the physical beauty I was surrounded by that enraptured me. Out of the six to seven billion people in this world, who am I to be so blessed to be in this beautiful country, to have the opportunity to see more of God's great world and to drink in the experience of living within another culture? Or the realization that I have the privilege of getting to know six lovely, young ladies who have a heart after God and a desire to pursue His plan for their lives, whether at home or overseas? Oh yeah, and the thrill of driving my motorbike down the road and feeling the wind in my face? :) Yet even all this pales when I remember how much my Abba loves me and His gift of eternal life and desire to have an intimate relationship with me, just a frail human  being on this speck of cosmic dust we call planet Earth. 

Maybe even awestruck isn't enough to describe moments like this. 

No, I am not living in some utopia community out of touch with reality since I have returned to Thailand. :) I am human and the people I live and work with are just as human as me. Daily life here has challenges and difficulties just as it does in my hometown of Myerstown, PA. Yet since being here, God has given me so much peace in resting in the truth that this is where He has called me, at least for this season of my life. 
I am learning, in His Presence, there is truly fullness of JOY... 


So these pics are a glimpse into my life {These Days}...

Lanna Resort -- where we had staff retreat the week after I got here

Early morning beauty walking from my cabin

And then there was a talent night that revealed another side of people.  :) 

...and family sing-a-longs

And what is a staff retreat without a volleyball tournament? 

... and outdoor pizza parties

There we are folks -- IGo Staff 2013

...and the lovely ladies who fill the place of sisters away from home... 

...And holidays like Songkrahn which is a nationally-declared water fight, & no one is exempt!

Then came the fun of arranging and settling into the "Dean Room" :) 

A reflection of the dandelion decal I put up on my one wall [we'll see  how long it actually sticks :(]

...and the photo board I inherited compliments of Heidi Musser, which was exactly what I was wanting for this wall! :)

This was my chalkboard wall D.I.Y project in the study hall --  I would like to do a different country every term...

... and then there are lazy Sunday afternoon picnics on the mountain with the "single" staff. LOL  

...Except for Jana, who has "Finn" the ukelele to keep her company and together they strum us a little tune... 

...Breakfasts with these beautiful people at the Hideaway Cafe

...and scouring the flower market where several dozen roses cost around $6

One Saturday, I helped with an English Day camp at a local Thai church. 

...And then there was the final afternoon of solitude before the students started coming

...April 25th, 2013: Ready or not, here they come!  :) 

First Day of semester, early morning ice breakers. Gotta love all those awkward first moments. :( Thankfully, they don't last long. 

The student body of IGO First Semester 2013 -- six young ladies, three guys, and two married couples. They are the reason that I am here & it is my privilege to serve a group such as this. 

...So I have started taking Thai lessons. Five tones to remember. On top of that, try saying words with the "ng" sound at the beginning of the word. [I told you it's not easy.] 

My view from my bedroom window -- how many times has this sight of those mountains refreshed my spirit??

These days, I spend a lot of time sweeping tile floors. It's a good thing dirty floors have always been a pet peeve of mine. That helps with the motivation of keeping three stories of floors clean. LOL

...and Jonas (pronounced "CHO-nas" with a dutchified accent) and I are official! LOL   I love my bike.
And Heidi, he is treating me well.  :) 

...These days, there are always those moment that call for a strong iced coffee from this cool little
VW bus-turned-coffee-shop. Reason #78 why I love Thailand. :)