Monday, May 27, 2013

On Being Dean ~ Lesson 101

What I've been learning in my first three weeks as ladies' dean.... 
{at least the edited & condensed version adapted from a lengthy journal entry}

~ I am in a classroom. Not a literal one as the students are, but a classroom nonetheless of Life Lessons. It also includes taking tests on a daily basis. 

~ I cannot do anything on my own. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. It must be all God. 

~God delights in showcasing His strength through my weakness. 

~ It takes time to build trust and relationships. Don't rush them. 

~ Daily quiet time is essential to the task.

~ Audrey Assad's "Restless" has become my theme song and is stuck on repeat in my playlist more often than not. []

~ An atrocious amount of hair will collect on the floor of the girls' dorm in a 24 hour period. 

~ Sometimes, chocolate IS the answer. 

~ Making good food can be helpful in building friendships. Maybe there really is a scientific explanation to that heart-stomach connection. 

~ Being dean can be exhausting mentally, physically, emotionally, & spiritually. 

~ Old habits (like being a night owl) did not automatically change when I became a dean.

~ Being able to laugh at myself goes a long way in practicing a good sense of humor. [even when I ask someone what the battery life of the vacuum is, just after I had unplugged it's cord. TRUE STORY].   :)

~ Put down my computer or stop whatever I am busy doing when one of the girls asks a question or wants to talk. 

~ "People" are more important than my daily "To Do" list. 

~ The internet can quickly become a thief of my time. Browse wisely. 

~ Try to be present at all mealtimes. That's where the good discussions happen. 

~ There can never be too many fans blowing at once during hot season. 

~ Quickly learn to recognize speed bumps. Otherwise, it is painful for both me and my bike. 

~ Don't be afraid of trying new things, even if I'm worried I'll look like a fool. [like trying to play futsal, the Asian version of soccer]. 

~ Girls universally will discuss guys & relationships. Trust me, I am one. 

~ Be real with my own flaws & weaknesses, but also willing to share the good things that God has done/is doing in my life. 

~ Mercy must be balanced with Truth, and Grace is sometimes gritty. 

~ I realize how selfish I really can be. 

~ Be prepared to be asked a lot of questions. Many of them, I may not have an answer for. 

~ There is a lot of joy and fulfillment to be found in serving. Even sweeping three stories of tiled floors. 

~ A grateful spirit is contagious. Be quick to express my thankfulness to others. 

~ That weekly girls' night-out with a friend on Monday evenings is soul-refreshing. 

~ Even brief email replies are better than none at all when my inbox is screaming for attention. 

~ Riding my own motorbike is a great outlet for independence and adventure. 

~ Thailand's iced coffees have become a regular part of my diet. 

~ I wouldn't get anywhere without the prayers of others. Don't take them for granted. 

~ Laugh often. Love much. 

~ Snail mail is greatly appreciated. 

~ I will mess up, believe lies about myself, and find myself falling into people-pleaser mode. Just don't stay  there, but return to the Truth. 

~ Be able to accept God's grace for myself so that I can freely extend grace to others. 

... and that, my friends, are the lessons of only the first three weeks... I still have seven month's worth ahead of me.  :) 

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