Friday, September 25, 2015

{Un}golden Silence

The saying goes that "silence is golden."

Sometimes, that is true. At other times, perhaps the silence clamors that the hectic schedules and busyness and cares of life have overwhelmed the quieter moments of reflection and solitude. And I don't think that is necessarily a good thing...

Perhaps that's what has happened to my attempts to blog over this past year. I mentally "wrote" blog posts, but somehow never found the time to translate those scattered thoughts into writing. I miss it. The putting of my thoughts into coherent sentences that helped me process and perhaps created a bit of inspiration or humor for those who kindly took the time to read my ramblings.

So, maybe I'm back. For how long or how often, I cannot say. It's strange, but when I was overseas two years ago, I felt like I actually had something worth writing about. My daily experiences were not exotic, but just different from life as I know it now, living in rural Amish Country of Pennsylvania.

Life today seems ordinary, even hum-drum perhaps. Who wants to read about that? I've asked myself that question, and maybe in the waiting for noteworthy, life-changing milestones to happen, events that seem exciting or unique enough to share on a blog, I've overlooked the good and significant in the mundane.

Like today. I walked through the quaint small town I've called home since this past spring. I had an appointment up the road from my house, and normally would have driven there to make sure I got home in time to start tackling my day-off 'To Do' list. But the balmy September sunshine beckoned me to walk, to slow down enough to enjoy the autumn scenery around me, to take time to wave to the neighbor man pushing his child in a stroller down our street. That walk was soul-refreshing. I need to be more intentional about taking moments like that. To practice living in the moment rather than waiting for life to '"happen."

1 comment:

  1. The Mennonite Game Blog Directory ( is a simple list of blogs to help bloggers and readers connect. Would you be interested in adding your blog to the list?

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    You might also be interested in the facebook page where anyone can share their blog posts (

    Thanks for considering it! Tabitha
